Open closet

OUT : Your wardrobe is filled to the brim, hardly closing and it witnesses the haphazard piling up of unidentifiable clothes. The coming of spring calls for a great seasonal tidy up: snatch two letters out of the word DRESSING and let it become DESIGN !

1 – Go for a minimalist dressing room: a little hang on rehab will grant you a clearer view; let’s get some garments racks. Once this done, sort out your favorite clothes by color or theme and shed light on your preferred outfits for all your guests to see. What is more normal than having your sweaters collection standing in your living room? Well, “it’s an art piece” since you willed it to be… Rose Tonka

2 – A folksy variant to the brass rod: the flotsam wood branch which, after some quick fixing, see on VTWONEN will be ideal to breath poetry into the kids’ room and may well trigger in them the wont to hang on their clothes that often lie on the floor!


3 – Last but not least, for our shoes collections be inspired by Cécile Figuette’s well planned “shoesing”. Cecile, as a creator of wallpaper Bien fait, used a graphic pattern in the back of opened shelves to better spotlight the family’s favorites… It’s a shoe-in!

To hang your spring clothes in style, Mum and Dad Factory has designed a minimalist and refined open closet (available on designerbox). The open design dressing room is yours!



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